Let's Buy British Code Of Responsibility | British Manufacturers
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Code of Responsibility

What is the Let's Buy British Code of Responsibility?

We are on a journey to provide a platform Championing British Goods & Services and work with our members to continually improve on our campaign to promote "Buy British" to the British consumer.


We believe we can make a real difference together and work towards showing a preference for our own domestic products and services. After all with an economy built on trade and innovation, Britain has among the highest consumer standards in the world.


This code sets out the key values that we want you to abide by


We are always keen to hear about how we can work better together, including ideas on areas relating to responsible business and sustainability. At the same time, if there is anything that could be improved, then we want to know so we can change it.​

Key Membership Requirements:

1. Members must be manufacturing physical goods where raw materials &/components have undergone a substantial and transformative change as a result of your manufacturing processes in Great Britain or Northern Ireland.


If you are a service provider who creates digital products, however, all of the development, including the concept, coding, quality control and maintenance, must take place in Great Britain or Northern Ireland.


2. Products produced by members are made to the highest standards in relation to all the relevant laws, principles, rules and codes (regulatory requirements) that apply in each of the jurisdictions where they carry out that activity.


3. Show evidence in the management or ownership of the manufacturing/creative premises for the completed and finished physical or digital products along with any application of the Let's Buy British registered mark.


4. Let's Buy British registered mark will only be used in association with products or services made in England, Scotland and Wales and any misuse be reported for immediate investigation.


5. We require members to respect the human rights of their employees and to comply with all relevant legislation, regulations and directives, including the Modern Slavery Act prohibiting forced labour along with ensuring working hours are in accordance with local regulation and industry practice.


6. We require all our members to have a written Health and Safety Policy and to operate in a manner providing a safe environment abiding by local laws and regulations and respecting the health and well-being of your employees and any subcontractors.


7. We require all suppliers to act with honesty and integrity, managing their business ethically and responsibly whilst managing the risk of payments, offers, promises of a bribe (making a bribe) or receipt, requests or acceptance of a bribe (being bribed) by an individual or associated party in accordance with the Bribery Act 2010.


8. We require all businesses to have a responsible and proactive management system for reducing, their environmental impact. Members should share their accreditations and achievements where possible.


9. Let's Buy British reserves the right to review your policies, procedures or any other documentation related to this Code. In some instances, we may undertake an on-site audit of larger suppliers to validate your adherence to this Code.


10. We are encouraging all British Manufacturers to use our registered logo on all products packaging, marketing and websites to clearly identify to buyers and consumers your product is British Made. Members should not involve Let's Buy British in political debates/forums in any way.

We expect all of our members to meet or exceed all the provisions of this Code.

Our goal is to work with you on developing our approach to promoting the sought-after symbol on goods to clearly display to consumers wanting British products.

Let's Buy British - Registered Trade Mark

Let's Buy British is registered with the UK Intellectual Property Office : UK00003485986

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